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Cost of Treatment

Please note: In order to be a patient at Portland Ketamine Clinic you must have a referral from a psychiatrist. We can NOT accept referrals from ANY other mental health care providers incl. MHNP, therapists or psychologists.  Patients will also be required to get monthly referrals from their psychiatrist.

Below is a link to a blank referral form as a PDF.


If you need a psychiatrist please see the list below.

Portland Area Psychiatrists

Currently ketamine infusion therapy is NOT a covered benefit by any insurance plan since it’s an off-label use of this medication. We can only accept cash or credit cards. We can not accept checks of any kind.

Ketamine Health Disorder Treatment

Depression Treatment

Initial six ketamine infusions $2820 - payments can be made separately ($470 each)

Booster infusions $470

No checks accepted.

All patients will need a single booster infusion every 4 to 6 weeks to keep depression symptoms controlled.

CRPS / RSD Treatment Costs

$1800 per treatment which runs 4-6 hours each.

Most patients will require between 5-10 treatments depending on the amount of improvement observed.  Treatments are done over a 10-15 day block

Ready to be a new patient?

See our forms page by clicking below

We have chosen to err on the side of safety by using more stringent exclusion guidelines than our purposes require when deemed necessary.  We reserve the right to refuse treatment based on our clinical impression.

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